Selby Allan

Selby Allan

My name is Selby Allan and I am 82 years old. After suffering for over 2 years from horrific back and leg pain and finding no way of relief and then not being able to walk because of terrific sciatic pain in both legs, I met Mr Kasis a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon about one year after the pain had started.

Mr Kasis tried to spare me the trauma of going through an operation at my age by injecting my spine, but to no avail. He then decided to operate, which helped at first, but after about three months the pain came back with a vengeance. He then kindly offered to operate again on my spine in July 2017. This has been a great success and both my wife Kathleen and I cannot thank Mr Kasis enough. We’d also like to say thank you to his Secretary Ashleigh for her patience with all the phone calls from both Kathleen and I whilst we were going through this very difficult time.

I can now walk 5 miles without leg or back pain and without any aid or pain killers. Thank you Mr Kasis for giving me my life back.

From two very grateful pensioners,
Selby and Kathleen Allan.